February 16, 2011 - Annual Chinese New Year Celebration
/Over 500 friends came together at New Spring Garden Restaurant to enjoy an authentic traditional multi-course Chinese banquet with entertainment at this sell-out event in Brooklyn's Chinatown to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit.
We were so delighted to honor five great community leaders, Bernard J. (BJ) Duffy, Market President, Brooklyn & Staten Island Senior Director, NE Market Operations for Capital One Bank; Colvin W. Grannum, President of Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation; Ilene D. Margolin, Senior Vice President Public Affairs & Communications for EmblemHealth, Inc.; and Charley Ryan & Peter Shapiro, Founders of Brooklyn Bowl.
The crowd was entertained by Traditional Chinese Dancers from the Taiyuan, China Acrobatic Dance Troupe, two children's performances from the Brooklyn Chinese America Association and PS 105, and soloists Arthur Lai and Zheng Ying Tin.